Vision Statement:
CORR – The Jute Works envisions the Empowerment and Dignity of the disadvantaged and marginalized; especially women, people with disability and indigenous people of the society.
Mission Statement:
Capacity building of the marginalized; especially women, people with disability and the indigenous people of the society ensuring Trade Justice, market access and improved living standard.
1.Artisan cooperatives are functional and main streamed in economy
- Organize/reorganize the groups according to the bye-laws of the group
- Capacity building training to raise their leadership, awareness and production skill
- Inter exchanges of artisans capacity/experiences
- Promote thrift, self-help, democratic practices and good governance among the craft groups in the management of their affairs and to make them self-reliant by group action
- Create Market for the crafts of the group at both home and abroad.
- Develop crafts according to the artisan capability
- Make the artisan competent understanding the market dynamics and challenges through constant awareness and capacity building activity.
2.Artisans have access to substantial income and contributes to organizational / cooperative growth
- Ensure work for the artisans round the year
- Participate in national and international trade fairs, workshops and seminars
- Acquire need based/advanced technical knowledge, update technical know-how and information on market trend, taste and quality.
3.Promotion of Fair Trade
- Aware the community on Fair Trade through linkage, communication & advocacy.
- Promote the Fair Trade nationally, regionally and globally through campaign, network building.
- Inter-exchange among the FTOs
4.Expansion & growth of trade
- Continuous product development activity
- Capture all possible market segments with appropriate and best crafts.
- Develop useable and fashionable design to correspond the market demand
- Develop professionalism in all spheres of operation of the organization
- Arrange advance skill development trainings for the staffs to make them competent in their positions.
- To arrange exposure tour for the staffs to gain practical experience
- Review and update the organizational structure and all the policies (Administrative, human resources, pricing, procurement, marketing, promotional...)
- Initiate/expand the local market
- Integrate indigenous crafts and mainstreaming it
5.Response to social development and emergencies
- Initiate/Support development activities such as education, safe water & sanitation, environmental, recreational and health care facilities for better living conditions for the community.
- Establish development funds for well being of artisan
- Establish emergency response fund.