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CORR-The Jute Works!

CORR-The Jute Works is a registered Fair Trade Trust of producing and marketing handicrafts incepted in September 2, 1973. It is also a pioneer member of World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) previously known as IFAT.

After the War of Independence in 1971, aiming at ameliorating the plights of the war widows, war victims and marginalized rural women, who became dependent on relief and sympathy, CORR (Christian Organization for Relief  and Rehabilitation), now Caritas Bangladesh, carried out a program of reconstruction.  In August 1972, CORR received  a letter from CARE New York office. One Design Firm Lesley & Co of New York had offered to help with the development of the handicrafts in Bangladesh. In January 1973 a young designer, Louisa Brooke came to Dhaka for a  six week period of observation. She found that a handicraft training Centre already existed, the Jagorani Centre, run by two Catholic Nuns: Sr. Michael Francis, CSC and Sr. Mary Lillian, SMRA. Rural women were trained producing of jute and other crafts for eight weeks in the centre which were sold locally. Hence, they involve in a part-time employment at home earning a supplementary income for the family. The two sisters started organizing village groups and training provided by Louisa Brooke... READ MORE

Product Design

The Intellectual Property right/copy write of the products preserved by CORR-The Jute Works. 

Product Sourcing

The beautiful crafts of CORR-The Jute Works are produced by 6042 artisans under 212 Artisan group in 33 districts in Bangladesh. 

Quality Control

A three tire quality control process is followed for each and every produced crafts of CORR-The Jute Works. 

Logistics Supports

CORR-The Jute Works has the facility of Air, Ocean and Courier shipment.




NEWS | 16-Jan-2025

On 16th of January 2025, Thursday, the Fair Trade Thanksgiving and Packing Opening Ceremony 2025 of CORR-The Jute Works (CJW) was organized with a colorful and festive manner at

NEWS | 18-Jan-2024

On 18th January Thursday 2024, the Fair Trade Thanksgiving and Packing Opening Ceremony 2024 of CORR-The Jute Works (CJW) was organized colorfully and festively at its Gulshan office.


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